Friday, October 28, 2011

Book cover - what I did when I should have been working

I don't know why I spent so much time playing with the cover. In the end, I'm sure the publisher has far more artistically talented people than me who can put something together, but, I hope, this gives an idea what the book is about - physical conditioning, matwork and coaching, for judo and for other sports, like mixed martial arts.

So, what do you think?

Spent hours today working on the book when I should have been writing a statistical paper (good thing I'm president of the company). Still, I have commitments to meet to clients, so, I'm off to that now.


  1. I like it. When can I buy it?

  2. Good question. We are having discussions with a publisher now - which is a glorified way of saying they asked for a ton of stuff and we sent it to them.

    I'm booked with consulting work through most of November. My plan is to take December and do almost nothing but work on this book. Jim is going to take it to Japan and China with him and edit whatever I have before he leaves.

    We're hoping to have a final copy in the publisher's hands by December 31 and then it takes however long it is until we can make whatever edits and changes they require.
