Friday, July 10, 2015

Podcast Topics A-Z

Deciding to create a podcast, I thought I'd start out with a list of topics. Yesterday, I ran across a challenge to writers to write for 26 days in a row, posts with topics from A to Z. I thought I'd do that as well as the numbers 1-10.  In addition, Maria would have to do a different topic with the same letter. I included one of hers she had mentioned here for her.

  1. Armbars and knowing your strengths
  2. Book writing
  3. Compartmentalize- how I get so much done
  4. Don't Mistake Colleagues for Friends
  5. Every day we get better / Employees that don't do shit
  6. Friends aren't all created equal
  7. Games that make you smarter
  8. How not to get your sorry ass fired
  9. Industrial engineering applied to life
  10. Judo can be bad for your future
  11. Keep on learning
  12. Lego theory of judo and business - make sure it all fits together
  13. More worth than they are trouble - my feeling on children
  14. No one cares how you feel
  15. Obsession pros and cons 
  16. Perfect isn't your married name
  17. Quit thinking it's okay to be ignorant about math (or, let them code games about cake)
  18. Rules for when to shut the hell up
  19. Seriously, chill.
  20. Tech fields are so biased but I'm going to succeed any way
  21. Unicorn questions
  22. Vantage point on My Fight/ Your Fight (and other shit Ronda says that I don't agree with)
  23. When you're the expert, you're on your own
  24. X-ray scanners in North Dakota and other opportunities
  25. You are you. That is truer than true.
  26. Zebra dreams
So ... that is a start on our topics. I'll get on to the 1-10 tomorrow. I'm still taking requests as Maria has not bought the microphone yet.


  1. I'm looking forward to topics 1 & 10. Thank you

  2. Haha, this is a great list! I look forward to more Judo knowledge and possibly psychology posts and how to instill confidence in young people / being a great parent.

  3. As a Judoka and a math teacher, can't wait for #17

  4. - Should You Have Kids -
    - Should You Become a MMA Fighter-
    - What is Happiness -
    - Is Meditation Something You Do -
    - How to Get More Done -
    - How to Start A Business -
    - Top Books with Dr. Ann -

  5. training to be the best in the world on your worst day
