Sunday, October 13, 2013

What I think of you (honestly)

Occasionally, people feel the urge to write in the comments on this blog what they think of me, that I must be arrogant, why do I feel the need to mention what I am doing for a living, where I went on a business trip, etc. etc.

This is a bit puzzling since this is a blog, not the New York Times or someone's math homework assignment, and I write it for the following reason - because I feel like it.

It's like Ricky Gervais said on twitter, following someone and then complaining about their tweets is a lot like eavesdropping on a conversation and getting upset because you don't like the topic.

This is MY personal blog that I have written for years. So, one thing I think about you people is,

"What exactly do you think a blog is and what does "personal" mean in your language?"

I'm also really puzzled by why anyone would read one of the millions of blogs on the Internet, of the hundreds of millions of web pages and then complain that the content is not to their liking. Do you think I care? I really don't.

Please don't misunderstand me, if you think I named a technique incorrectly, or showed something that was wrong - and, like everyone, I do make mistakes and say your left hand should be grabbing the lapel when I really meant the right - please do correct me. I don't want to give the wrong information.

Also, if you have a question, like how do you transition from an upper four corner hold down to a straight arm bar (tate shiho gatame to juji gatame), please ask and I will try to answer it when I have time, especially if it is an interesting question I haven't thought/ written about. That is the whole reason I write this blog, just to remark on whatever has struck me as interesting that day.

For those who write lengthy, repeated tirades about me, or my daughter, or, less often, judo, and how we individually or in combination, suck. Here is what I really, honestly think about you ....

Today, I was driving to judo, after having accomplished quite a bit on our latest game, Fish Lake, that my company, 7 Generation Games is producing.  My youngest daughter is home for the weekend, I was going to pick up a student from Gompers Middle School who had called and asked for a ride to practice so he could get in some more work this week. I was just thinking what a wonderful, beautiful day it is. I must have accidentally cut off some guy in a truck as I turned on Lincoln Blvd. I didn't mean to and I didn't notice I did it. Suddenly, he swerved in front of me and slammed on his brakes.  I slowed down. He did it again.

Then, he stuck his arm out the window and gave me the finger.

When I was younger, I probably would have yelled back at him, but the truth is, I didn't really care. At the same time, my friend called me on my cell phone. I answered and talked to her about meeting her for lunch next week. (Yes, I have controls on my steering wheel so I was actually complying with the law about hands-free driving.) During the whole two or three minutes I was talking with my friend, the guy in the truck is gesturing at me and mouthing obscenities in the mirror.

Here is what I thought,

Wow! This guy's life must really suck that he spent five minutes just furious over something I did that was unintentional, didn't harm him in any way and that was done without giving him a thought.

And then I went on to have a lovely day.


Christian said...

I think you're wonderful and I love your blogs. I'm also happy to hear you had a great day and I hope tomorrow's even better.

Steve Callanan said...

By the sound of it, I might occupy the minority round these parts, but I just started Judo, and my opinion of your famous daughter notwithstanding (and rest assured, it's an adoring one, you raised quite the weapon) I merely come to pick up a few tips from a human repository of pretty awesome knowledge, i.e yourself. As a general rule, I consider attention paid to opinionated plebeians with an default right to publish (myself included) to be energy wasted.

Unknown said...

That's a good way of thinking, no point in letting people who have nothing better to do than antagonize and harass, upset you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann Maria,

Thou hypocrite - Ronda has given the middle finger to someone on a lot of occasions and uttered some real foul profanity. She behaves like child. And guess what - you influenced her. That is very sad. Short stuff, you will answer to God.

Cynthia said...

Yes, it is your personal blog. At Facebook, I don't bother to reply to strangers who are not happy with some of my ideas. Some mean comments here reveal how much time they have wasted on someone they won't dare to meet in real life.
~ Cynthia

Cynthia said...

It is your PERSONAL BLOG and it is up to you to discuss your favorite topics. I still don't understand why strangers have to make rude comments and they are usually 'anonymous'. Even if you don't agree with some people, you can still argue politely and respectfully. Though I am not as 'crazy' like Ronda (in a good way), I like the way she is reacting to something she loves. My auntie was a table tennis player on Chinese national team and once competed at the nationals and Olympics. She spent a lot of time training and had this kind of fire like Ronda. Very competitive. I still remember how upset she felt when she lost in the second round at Olympics. She moved on and is a teacher in her local school. However, she is still mad about table tennis and sometimes trains with her old coach and her students. Anyway, she is very similar to Ronda. That is why I can't figure out where the hatred comes from. ~ Cynthia

dsimon3387 said...

Your blog rocks. I have found that in general, when people on the net are confronted by knowledge, insight and real success they get catty and often accuse one of patronizing.

For example, a couple of times in an argument two idiots had about who made more both cases one idiot held up a stack of currency to prove success and financial mastery...this was considered appropriate to the level of debate. Yet many times when I have returned an argumentative gesture citing information, experience and education I have been accused of patronizing.

The truth is that people are jealous of real success and a loving family that manufactures success. As for the idiot with the middle finger raised, good for you...I used to have that type of patience and wish I still did. Keep writing!

dsimon3387 said...

Your blog rocks. I have found that in general, when people on the net are confronted by knowledge, insight and real success they get catty and often accuse one of patronizing.

For example, a couple of times in an argument two idiots had about who made more both cases one idiot held up a stack of currency to prove success and financial mastery...this was considered appropriate to the level of debate. Yet many times when I have returned an argumentative gesture citing information, experience and education I have been accused of patronizing.

The truth is that people are jealous of real success and a loving family that manufactures success. As for the idiot with the middle finger raised, good for you...I used to have that type of patience and wish I still did. Keep writing!

Unknown said...

I read your blog because you are an interesting, accomplished, intelligent, straight talking, opinionated woman.
I hope someday you write a book that details how you were able to achieve success in so many different areas - I think it would be inspiring for young girls.

Dr. AnnMaria said...

Dear Anonymous -
I heard from God. He says he loves me.

dsimon3387 said...

No no! He said "you bug me." Lol couldn't resist