You have got to see this place! Ronda and I were there earlier this week while they were still finishing the floors and putting the mats down. It is obvious Gokor Chivichyan and Gene LeBell along with several friends and advisors have been planning this a long time. The facility is unbelievable.
I asked Gokor if he minded if I invited some people to check it out. I told him no one really pays attention to me anyway so it would probably only be two or three people. So here is your invitation:
"Gokor's Hayastan MMA Academy will be relocating to its new home.
This New facility is 10,000 square feet of state of the art MMA and Grappling Equipment. Featuring a very large fully matted grappling area, a full MMA cage, a regulation sized boxing/kickboxing ring and a pro shop. The first day of classes at the new location will be Monday March 8, 2010 and will keep the same class schedule as the old location but will add morning classes.
However we will have a Grand Opening for public viewing on Sunday March 7, 2010 at 2pm. Everyone is invited to come down and say Hello and see the new facility.
We hope to see you there!
7229 Atoll Ave.
North Hollywood, CA 91605 "
A lot of people have talked about wanting to have a facility like this, with a dedicated judo dojo, showers, lunch room, etc. Gokor went out and bought the building. It will have two regulation mat areas, a balcony from which you can watch your children/ favorite judo player, weight room, boxing ring.

Even with the great deal Gokor got on the building this place must have cost around $2 million to put together. Mat fees are $30 a day. The USJA has negotiated discounts with a number of companies, such as Zebra Mats, Golden Tiger Martial Arts and Black Belt Magazine.
Once they get all moved in, Gokor and I are going to sit down and discuss a discounted mat fee for USJA members as well.
Come down on Sunday and check it out. This place is amazing. We will be there on Sunday after practice at the West Coast Judo Training Center.
I was just going to ask what the old hours were, as I'm traveling to CA in April, and then read the comment before mine.
I love you full. Think I've found a new email sig...
The concept of mat fees is new to me. It's like paying for ice time when playing hockey. Has it always been this way? or is this a new development?
It looks like it will be a beautiful facility.
Perfect place, I'm so happy because i can see you're taking advantage of the place, actually that's what I need to beginning my own business because I want to built an indoor soccer field.m10m
Some places charge mat fees. Some don't. It's not a new idea at all. Tenri Dojo charged a mat fee back when I was competing in ancient times.
The determinant seems to be mostly if a club is in its own facility. If they have to pay rent, then they charge people to come work out to help cover the rent. The West Coast Judo Training Center charges a mat fee of $10 per practice.
It looks like a pretty amazing place. I would love to do so. there are many place that you can enjoy with that kind of thing.
I saw so much helpful info here!
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