Tomorrow night Julia, Tina and I arrive in Las Vegas. I know we have people coming from all over the country - Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Massachusetts, Texas, Connecticut, Wyoming, New Mexico and northern and southern California. Who knows, we might even get some people from Nevada!
George Weers asked me once what do people need a national organization for. He pointed out that he could teach at his own club just fine without any organization. One thing I think a national organization can do is try out innovative new ideas, like the Great American Workout we have had on the east coast, or like the ashi waza camp in San Diego. Or, there is the Las Vegas Judo Weekend coming up with discussions on the new rules, a clinic with an Olympic silver medalist, a tournament for women and girls, a banquet with outstanding coaches as keynote speakers and a day long conference on everything from establishing a club to teaching newaza. We booked a hotel in Las Vegas and we are doing everything in one spot.
Everything is happening at the Palace Station Hotel & Casino
The events:
Dr. Martin Bregman & Professor Hayward Nishioka will be discussing the new rules during the referee meeting at 8 a.m. Everyone is invited. {Free, even}
Lynn Roethke, Olympic & world silver medalist is doing a clinic from 9-10:30 a.m. Open to everyone. Free to competitors in the All-Women's Tournament. $15 for non-competitors. [For all of you who complained this was only for women. Here you go. Open to anyone who has a judo gi. For all of you who complain that judo events take all day, here you go, too. Come for a great 90 minutes and then go do whatever else you want to do in Las Vegas. For those of you who said not everyone is about competition, here you go three times. For those you who who say judo events are too expensive - it's only $15.]
All-Women's Tournament with juniors, seniors, masters and team competition.
USJA Board of Directors meeting - 6 pm. here is where we elect our officers, appoint committees and discuss issues. Everyone is welcome.
7:30 Pm With the serious business over for the evening we begin dinner and drinking while listening to Lynn Roethke, Jim Pedro, Sr. & Hayward Nishioka speak on "What I know now that I wish I knew when I began coaching." $45 and includes dinner.
[The cost for Sunday sessions is $30 for the day, paid in advance or $50 a the door)
9 a.m. Classroom sessions on incorporating as a non-profit and other business aspects of running a judo club (with Paul Nogaki) and marketing & media for judo clubs (Gary Goltz) followed by Hal Sharp discussing the Kodokan Certificate program.
NOON. There will be a brief break for lunch with mat sessions beginning at noon. We have had requests from competitors asking if they could just come for the mat sessions. The answer is yes. Bring your gi. Afternoon presenters include Lynn Roethke on teaching tachi waza. Bill Montgomery on ashi waza drills, Hayward Nishioka on teaching ashi waza, Gerald Lafon on counters and combinations and Jim Pedro,Sr. on teaching newaza.
You will come away smarter. Guaranteed.
So, that is the kind of program a national organization can put together.
In fact, two national organizations, as funding and support comes from both the USJA and USJF.
That's what I am doing this weekend. How about you?
I´d like maked a interchange the judo players, i beleave wich the learn gonna be fantastic.
Francisco Aoyama
Amiable dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
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