Saturday, December 31, 2016

I have this to say about my daughter, Ronda

Like every mother and daughter on the face of the earth, Ronda and I don't always see eye to eye. However, there is one situation where I am pretty certain.

All of those who have criticized Ronda for taking a loss so to heart, for not just 'shrugging it off' don't understand that what made Ronda so successful is that she cares DEEPLY about winning to an extent that I don't believe the average person can wrap his/her head around.

Caring deeply about something and working your hardest to achieve it doesn't mean you make the right decisions 100% of the time. Wouldn't it be a nicer world if it did?

Those of you who want to criticize Ronda, I just want to point out a few things. First of all, I know her better than you and she is a smart, kind, talented, generous, hard-working person.

Second, I'd like to list some of her accomplishments, and note that she isn't yet 30 years old.

  • Junior World Judo Champion
  • Panamerican Games Judo Gold Medalist
  • First American woman in a decade to win a world cup in judo (and then she went on to win several more)
  • U.S. Open Gold Medalist
  • World Judo Championships Silver Medalist
  • Olympic Bronze Medalist
  • U.S. Senior National Champion
  • First UFC World Champion
  • First woman to make a million dollars in martial arts
  • Co-authored sports book of the year - My Fight/ Your Fight
  • Acted in three movies

That's just a partial list, but let me suggest that someone who has been world level athlete in two sports, written a best seller, acted in movies and made millions of dollars, all before the age of 30 has a pretty darn good track record. On top of that, Ronda has been part of the USADA drug testing since she was 16 years old, never failed a drug test,  always paid her taxes, never been arrested, never been to rehab, has zero divorces, zero DUIs and zero children. While you might think that is to be expected, look how many celebrities (heck, look how many of your neighbors) can say that.

I am very proud of my daughter.

As my other wonderful daughter, Maria, told her ,

"We love you just as much 10 minutes after every fight as we did in the 10 minutes before."

Edit: Since so many people asked me "What do you mean zero children? Children aren't a bad thing." I agree.  I have four. I meant that she did not have children before she was able and willing to raise them. 


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Anonymous said...

True, she is amazing

Unknown said...

Beautiful. I couldn't agree more, she should have already, but desperately needs a coaching change. Edmund is an absolute joke. She can defiantly come back and be champion with a fresh coaching environment.

Carlos E said...

This is why I've admired you since you competed and why I admire you're family including of course Ronda. Honestly, I like lots of others can and do critique, but I refuse to stop caring about your daughter as a fighter and as one heck of a human being.

I know I'm just one of millions but if you would, please tell her I'm as proud of her as I've ever been, and whatever she decides, that'll be enough for me and anyone who truly cares.

All the best to you and yours!

Carlos Estrella

Rickard said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful. I couldn't agree more. Edmund is an absolute joke. Ronda can very well come back and be champ again with a new camp and fresh coaching environment. Best wishes going forward!

Anonymous said...

THere are many fine fighters in the UFC, but only one true icon. Still The GOAT

Angela Baroni said...

Class act.

bluelillly1025 said...

Is and always will be a champ! She's a legend! I hope she knows that! ❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

Just yes.
But you forgot one (I think) important aspect; the absolute hope she brings to women like myself that fight other battles, body image, managing male dominated industry and the list goes on. The absolute raw role model she Is; I am terribly thankful for.
Malinda xox (brilliant piece regard less)

Unknown said...

Well always love Ronda Rousey. Won our lease she is amazing!

Unknown said...

please get rid of Edmund.

Unknown said...

breaks my heart! w/o Ronda im font watching UFC! The 2 losses doesnt change my respect for Ronda! History been made, shes the creator of UFC Women's Mma, nothing can change that. Head Up, nothing to be ashamed of!

Anonymous said...

Ronda will always be a champion, an inspiration and an icon in woman's sport. She paved the way and set the bar high for those who chose to follow her path, and no one can take those titles away from her.

South Africa

Laura 1988 said...

Wise words from a wise woman. New coach needed, if she still has the passion she can reign again! ☺️

April said...

No one can take away what Ronda rousey has done. Ronda can lose 12 in a row and it won't change how I feel about her. I remember meeting her for the first time and being shocked that she didn't wear makeup, had on a pair of ripped jeans, and a worn out smokin Joe Fraiser shirt. She's worth millions of dollars and my cloths were more expensive then hers! She had a playful personality and made me feel comfortable because she knew I was nervous. People can say whatever they want but she's the reason girls like Amanda Nunes, holly holm are starting to make big bucks in mma. I hope that her head is at a good place and she surrounds herself with people with good intentions and if u ever get the opportunity tell her we her fans love her and support her. Also feel free to tell Edmond there's a huge line of people ready to run him over with their cars.

Laura 1988 said...

Wise words from a wise woman. New coach needed, if she still has the passion she can reign again!

Margie Moo said...

She has changed me for the better. She has helped more people in her short time on this earth than most people do in their entire lifetime. She will never know how many lives she has changed. She is a beautiful human. She goes all in. She loves hard,she hurts hard,she fights hard,she trains hard so of course she will take a loss hard. We all take losses hard people just cry in their rooms and she cries when she feels like crying even if it is in public. That makes her real and human to us.It makes her a role model, a real life superhero and role model. I Love her. Give her a huge hug from me and the many lives she has touched and will continue to touch.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Keep your head up Ronda! You will always be champ.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

Great tribute to your daughter. but she needs to lose Edmund as her coach... I know its hard but, he isn't a very good coach.

Anonymous said...

No one can deny Ronda's accomplishments and I don't think anyone does but she doesn't seem to know how to handle defeats and whther she likes it or not, she's been framed as a role model for young girls and she seems to have failed to grasp some of the most important lessons in martial arts, maintaining self-control, staying humble in victory and defeat, respecting one's opponents. Obviously her public persona might not be the same as her true self but if her image was skewed, she had the power to fix it.

I can't pretend to know how a mother feels after her child gets such a savage beating, I'm sure it's painful but at least partly it's the result of poor decision making, it looked as if her coach made her believe she's a world class boxer, why else would she deviate from her usual strategy and not go for an immediate takedown. Sure, Nunes is a beast, she fights tall, uses her reach, might have been impossible for Ronda to even come close to a takedown but judging from Edmond's instructions during those 48 seconds, at least initialy she planned to box against a striker that effectively retired Miesha Tate, who beat Holly Holm, who K.O.'d Ronda. Doesn't sound like a sensible plan and don't even get me started on how bad her striking looked in a recent video, wrists rotating so much the entire arm was turned upside down.

Bunny said...

Please tell her we Love her ! She paived the way. She opened all those doors for women in the sport. She deserves repect.

J.D. Mata said...

Dr. De Mars,
"The Apple does not fall far from the tree!" Thanks for raising such an extraordinary citizen and person! The blog is perfectly, perfect! with gratitude, jd

Anonymous said...

Ronda is also loyal. Ronda has succeeded in MMA WITH Edmond. I could not imagine how dominate your daughter would be with a great coach, she is the greatest WMMA fighter ever with a terrible coach. Hopefully Ronda can overcome this loss and stay mentally strong.

Unknown said...

Ronda has earned my respect, and regardless of wins or losses, nothing will change that. Greatness is in her genetics.

Unknown said...

I read her book and it was well written and really explained her story. I have much respect for her drive and dedication for everything she has achieved.

I believe it's her loyalty to her coach that is hurting her now, as she may need new perspective and training to tackle the UFC now. But maybe she is ready to take on new challenges for her future now other than fighting.

I have much respect for her and wish her all the best in whatever she chooses to do.

Unknown said...

Whether she comes back or not, her legacy is sealed. She paved the way for women to have equal footing in this crazy sport. Nothing more to prove. An amazing testament as well, on how good her team is at home, growing up and dreaming to be the best that she can be at any given point in time.

Anonymous said...

KUDOS YO TO YOU Mama Rousey. She definitely needs a new coaching staff. Still a huge fan of RR and always will be. ❤B

Unknown said...

Still love ya Ronda!👊💯❤ regroup come back harder 💕👊💕 xo

Anonymous said...

She has accomplished so much and has opened the door for women in this sport, but everything has an ending and she must open other doors for herself!

Marissa.A said...

Ronda will always be the best and not in just MMA. She has done so much for women and girls no one can take that away from her. I loved mma before Ronda came along and it was always looked at as a "mans" sport. But Ronda quickly changed that. I got the confidence to try jiu jitsu because she showed me nothings impossible.
This quote from Elisabeth Kubler Ross rings true, " The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths. "
All of Ronda's supporters will still be here if she returns or if she chooses to move on from the sport. I know I'd like to see her come back but then again i don't know what it feels like to put yourself out there like that and i don't believe I'll ever know that feeling. All i know is we'll continue to support her in everything. I'll still wear my Rousey shirts even if people have negative comments about it. because like Ronda said FTA.
People claim to dislike her but i think people are just intimidated knowing they'll never know her success. Throughout fight week I'd watch every video that was put out. Everyone perked up when she was mentioned or came out for weigh ins etc. All the comments involved Rousey's name. It was like the world stopped to see her. Love her or hate her she'll always be the name everybody knows.
We'll be waiting to hear from her or see an Instagram post or whatever she does next. Everything happens for a reason right? Just let her know that what Maria said rings true for all of us too.
Have a good one.

Jeb said...

Thank you for those beautiful words. My 11 year old daughter practices Muay Thai, and Ronda is a tremendous role model for girls everywhere. Ronda is such a badass! She's an OG. In our house, we LOVE Ronda...always xoxo Burbank loves you Rowdy!!!

Unknown said...

Dr. De Mars, your daughter has been an inspiration to me. Her achievements, the things she has overcome; her courage and determination, her decency and intellect--all inspire and challenge me to be a person worthy of her respect.

And so I feel her losses as I would for a close friend. I would of course be delighted to see her return like Rocky and regain what she has lost. But more than anything I wish her safety and happiness. And the same to you and the rest of your family.

Unknown said...

I am a Ronda Rousey fan regardless of the outcome. She is someone I truly admire. I fell in love with the fact that she shared her humanity with us. She has all of the real emotions as any other person. She certainly isn't superficial but at times she is misunderstood. If ever I had the chance, it would be a true honor to meet her and I would let her now that her faith in seeing her father again is not in vain.

Kamma said...

Ronda changed the sport, it is unfortunate that Edmond ruined her career with his terrible coaching.

RahmanAjani said...

I have been a great admirer of Ronda. I really wish the belt goes her way but Allah knows best. I wish she do self assessment analysis on her team, I believe she can still come back. Her downfall is her and will never be the end of her career.

judoka said...

I'm the same age as Ronda and I hope to someday achieve even a fraction of what she has already accomplished.

As a judo yellow belt I was, of course, disappointed Ronda did not win tonight. But, I also see her as more than a mere fighter.

Before Ronda, Dana White was on record declaring that the UFC would never allow women to fight for the promotion. Today, they are headlining main events and are some of the most popular and visible fighters on the roster. This is not a result of Ronda solely being a dominant athlete (there are undefeated fighters who are not as half as impactful as she has been). It is because she is a unique character who is intelligent, charismatic, and outspoken.

So, in my eyes, Ronda is a special individual who did not come from great wealth or advantage but managed to broadly change our society for the better. If I could follow her example in a similar vein, I would be very pleased with myself.

Whatever path she chooses going forward, I hope she is happy and continues to be successful.

(Also, I used to read her blog that she kept back when she was a teenager, and I know she's kind and sensitive person who loves animals. That was initially endeared her to me even before I really gave much of a damn about MMA.)

Dan said...


To a happy, healthy, positive and prosperous New Year to you and your family.

Unknown said...

Dr. De Mars, your daughter is an inspiration to me. Her achievements, the things she has overcome; her determination and courage, her decency and intellect--all inspire and challenge me to be a person worthy of her respect. And I'm sure I am far from alone in that.

And so I feel her losses like I would for a close friend. I would of course be delighted to see her return like Rocky and regain what she has lost. But more than anything, I wish her safety and happiness and fulfillment. And I wish the same for you and the rest of your family.

Anonymous said...

She has a good family by her side. That's all she needs. anything else isn't relevant.

Unknown said...

Great post, ronda's mom. I have to say though, you know it and I know it. That coach has put some strange things in her head about what she is good at, and it has disrupted her and every other fighter that edmond tarvardian coaches. I cant remember the last time one of his fighters won a fight and I didnt expect this to be any different. Ronda needs to play to the strengths that made her such a great fighter, not fight them. Her coach doesnt seem to understand that, I am just an average guy and I beleive I could coach ronda better than he could. Use what makes your daughter special not try to make her into something she is not.

You sniffed Edmond out very early, and I know thats what you mean when you say that no one can make the right decisions 100% of the time. Edmond is the very rare wrong decision ronda has made in her life. I appreciate you and I appreciate your daughters accomplishments very much, she is truly a pioneer and I would love to see her compete again if she could get back to her roots.

Unknown said...

Great post, ronda's mom. I have to say though, you know it and I know it. That coach has put some strange things in her head about what she is good at, and it has disrupted her and every other fighter that edmond tarvardian coaches. I cant remember the last time one of his fighters won a fight and I didnt expect this to be any different. Ronda needs to play to the strengths that made her such a great fighter, not fight them. Her coach doesnt seem to understand that, I am just an average guy and I beleive I could coach ronda better than he could. Use what makes your daughter special not try to make her into something she is not.

You sniffed Edmond out very early, and I know thats what you mean when you say that no one can make the right decisions 100% of the time. Edmond is the very rare wrong decision ronda has made in her life. I appreciate you and I appreciate your daughters accomplishments very much, she is truly a pioneer and I would love to see her compete again if she could get back to her roots.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Ronda personally however, I do know a couple people who do. They speak very highly of her. If there were ever someone I would want my own daughter to look up to, that I didn't know personally, it would be Ronda. Hold your head high Ronda you've done a lot in your young life.

Anonymous said...

Coach Edmund should never have allowed a fighter that unprepared to defend herself in the octagon. Criminal negligence imho.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is a massive influence on my daughter who is a young english judoka presently going through injury. Ronda has shown that through hard work and determination you can achieve your dreams. Although she has been defeated (she is human) that she can pick herself up and try again. Get knocked down 7 times, get up 8. I also hope she can get up again after this defeat for her sake and for all the girls she is a roll model to. I am sure, as she has you and her supportive family around her this will be possible.

Anonymous said...

Love love love this

Unknown said...

I don't understand why people are so hateful towards Ronda. no one in the business is unbeatable... but to shit on someone like Ronda is a horrible thing to do just because her undefeated streak was broken with 2 losses. Ronda is still my favorite fighter. I know she can come back from this. she needs a new coach. maybe take on a new technique like Aikido that can blend with her abilities without needing to change everything about her fighting style. I still have faith in Ronda and my heart goes out to her, it has to be hard facing another loss but I believe in her just as much as I did before she lost the championship. beyond fighting, she is an incredible humanitarian. I think the online trolls just like kicking people when they are down

Unknown said...

Great comment. You have every right to be proud of Ronda. She has opened doors for women not just in MMA, but in other sports as well. For example look at the interest in the media, which previously was not interested in woman’s sport and importantly for women to be paid for their skills on equal terms with men.
Our family feels for Ronda and we wish her the best

Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more! She is an amazing person, and anyone who cannot give her the credit she is due is just plain stupid. Thanks for posting. Please give her love from her loyal and life long fans.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.I read Ronda's book and she is just amazing person and works hard for everything she has achieved in life.She is a true inspiration to younger people.Love Caroline Nugent from Northern Ireland xx

Anonymous said...

But I wish her well in her endeavors. She is a great woman.

Unknown said...

Great comment. You have every right to be proud of Ronda.
She has opened doors for women not just in MMA, but in other sports as well. For example look at the interest in the media, which previously was not interested in woman’s sport and importantly for women to be paid for their skills on equal terms with men.

Our family feels for Ronda and we wish her the best

Unknown said...

Rhonda i admire you for everything you have done, you have nothing to be ashamed of or down about as a fan i am proud of you for all your accomplishments. If your dream is truely to be champion again, dont let anyone stop you, get new coaching, fresh camp and go prove all the nay sayers wrong

amanda garcia said...

I just actually finished her book and her mind/soul is felt through the pages. I have been inspired by her story beyond belief. I lost my sister to suicide a few years back and rondas perspective definitely shifted my outlook on that matter. I admire her resilience and courage to keep trying despite obstacles and opinions from all these keyboard warriors dishing out opinions like its facts. As for her fighting she has nothing to prove the woman is a legend already as far as accomplishments. Despite tonights outcome I feel like ronda is not done as much as some would like to believe. All I will say and this may not be pleasing to hear is INSANITY IS defined by doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Ronda has grown since her career in this sport has begun and part of growth is letting go. I admire her loyalty to edmund but as a fan i think her confliction shows with the reality of what needs to happen as far growth. i hope she doesnt retire and may her redemption be sweet!

Unknown said...

I am a fan , and I always will be , I'm 47 and I know 'Ronda Rocks ...she is a role model for the young girls growing up ,I can't say that about any other star's , model's etc..I will be watching her up coming fight..I wish her well and you too mama Rousey.. with much admiration, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Has zero that something to be proud of? Is this a hint she had abortions? Yeah, she's a great woman, but how insulting to say she has no children in same context of an accomplishment. Very odd.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this with the world. Your daughter is a phenomenal woman. She will always be an icon in MMA and a role model to me as a woman. I send nothing but love and gratitude to her and your family. So proud of everything Ronda is, does, and will do in her future.

#alwaysmychamp #stillthebest #rouseyfanforlife

Anonymous said...

It takes more from one to get back up, and it takes a true friend to say we have come as far as we can together. Ronda can still recapture her title, but coaching and training must change. Everyone she faces will come at her with the same game plan. She is not surprising anyone in there anymore. Everyone loses , you just have to learn something new , something they are not expecting. If you decide to call it a career? Thank you for all you have given us. Wish you the best and happiness

Unknown said...

Great comment. You have every right to be proud of Ronda. She has opened doors for women not just in MMA, but in other sports as well. For example look at the interest in the media, which previously was not interested in woman’s sport and importantly for women to be paid for their skills on equal terms with men.
Our family feels for Ronda and we wish her the best

Unknown said...

Definitely agree with you DR AnnMaria. Ronda seems to care passionately about everything she puts her mind too. Personally i would like to see her retire from the UFC, An go forward in life an take on some fresh challenges, Not because i don't think she can come back again, But because of all the nasty comments from all the media an trolls. She doesn't deserve it. neither does her family. PS Lovely words from Maria,
Please pass on my best wishes to Ronda, tell her to keep her chin up. Sorry no pun intended
Ronda Rousey Fan

Chris, United kingdom

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan of Ronda's for a couple of years now. She is currently inspiring me through the toughest time in my recent memory (a major accident that nearly left me with an amputated leg; I spent the post accident period (six months) in a wheelchair). I am out of the wheelchair now, but still facing surgeries and rehabilitation. She has consistently reinforced my inner strength and my determination, and my pride in being strong and capable, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her own sense of determination and grit to get through my own physical and mental ordeals. It really is a case of "What Would Ronda Do?" for me. I wanted to write and thank you both for helping me get through, so, thank you!.

I saw the write ups about her loss tonight, and I want to say that I believe that "this too shall pass". She is coming back after time away, and it may take her a little bit of time to get back into her groove. I believe that she will find a way through this current period, and return to the top of the sport.

One thing I do know is that I am going to continue to support Ronda in whatever she does. I think she's wonderful, and that will never change.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Ronda's depth of application and attitude towards winning is the reason for her success but she is much more than a list of achievements. I hope she sees this in herself and continues to live a happy and fulfilled life.
She has a lot to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Nunes criticizing Ronda "after" the fight is in bad taste.. she of all should realize what Ronda did to womans UFC. Guys like me who have no interest in fight business got into it because of two people - Ronda and Conor.
Rest of the Key board warriors(most of them probably haven't achieved a fraction of what this woman did in her life) don't deserve her attention. Internet sadly has given "equal" voice to every loser, pretty sure no one gives a rats behind what they say in real life.. Stay strong Ronda and ignore these trolls.

Wes Lowry said...

Ronda's continuing legacy is in the millions of young women she has inspired. No loss will ever take that away. No doubt in my mind Ronda will be champ again, the worst is out of the way and the best is yet to come. Wonderful post Ann Maria, nice to see a balanced perspective on all of this amongst all of the hyperbole. Best wishes to Ronda, looking forward to seeing her regain the championship.

Anonymous said...

It took true grit and strength for her to dust herself off and get back in there. Good on her for putting her heart on the table. Tough woman she is.

Unknown said...

Dear AnnMaria!
What a loving text and how lucky she is to have you and her sister. The reflection about love ten minutes before and after is really good. I believe you cant tell that to Ronda often enough. CV´s like hers very often comes with, and demands, a competetive heart, but the prize you have to pay is often a huge dent in the confidence if you lose. Im sure you know all about that being a psychologist. Tell her it took a heck of a lot guts to step in to that octagon. It´s easy to take part if you havent tasted defeat, but stepping into that octagon again took courage and integrity - and in life that is harder than winning. Tell her that she still have support, and tell her that about love ten minutes before and after again.

Please excuse my english, Im not englishspeaking

Happy New year to you all

Anonymous said...

The way many people have reacted to your daughter losing has been absolutely disgusting to witness. I truly hope Rhonda can see the vile and vicious comments for what they are - shameful, ignorant and lacking any human decency. People forget that the person they're lambasting has thoughts and feelings. Yes Rhonda lost, yes you can be happy about it, but when you feel the need to personally criticise her to the extent that you want her to suffer, really you have to take a long hard look at yourself. It's a dispicable sort of hatred that should only be reserved for people like yourself -people who show absolutely no empathy. Anyway, good luck to your daughter no matter what path she decides to take now. As much as I'd love her make a comeback and silence everyone who thinks they know her really well, I feel that it might not be worth it. She can enjoy her life, she's rich and doesn't need nor deserve the abuse she has received. I hope she can find peace in knowing that there are still hundreds of thousands of us out there who still support her and want the best for her. Better to be a polarising figure and be true to who you are than a 'do nothing, say nothing bitch' lol.

Unknown said...

I mean no disrespect but I believe she threw the fight. She didn't defend at all. If this isn't true then we all know and have known for quite some time she needs a new coach. Hit up McGregor do some sparring. She is the best in mma at judo with her drive and dedication I believe Greg / Mike Jackson can get her boxing to top level relatively fast.

Unknown said...

Ronda has a lot to offer the world after she hangs up her gloves..keep your chin up Ronda x

Silvia said...

What does zero children have to do with being accomplished ?!? You lost me in saying this like it proves she above everyone because she hasn't yet had a child before 30. Shame on you

Anonymous said...

Personally I feel Edmund is a crap coach, what does edmund know about Judo? Nothing. Ronda is a Judo master, not a boxer. Her Art Is Judo. Why is she trying to box? Ronda could easy beat holly holm and amanda. Ronda is an Olympian Judo Champion. My personal feeling, I know she may retire, but to be honest she don't have to. She has the strength she has the skill she has the power, but it was not used well. Her mind set was not right. DROP EDMUND, this is not personal this is your life. DRRRROOOOPPPPPPP EDMUNDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! for fucksake. Its time to grow. Whatever you do Ronda, you was the one that got me watching UFC. Your beautiful inside and out. My only advice, listen to your mom. She can see clearly. No Ego, just listen. Focus, Your not out yet. This is martial arts, its to the change and grow. Much Love. x

Unknown said...

Hi Mrs. Annmaria I wrote you a msg on your youtube channel about how I feel as fan of Ronda... We have gone to battle with people who bash her on social media because we do see the Ronda you just described, but when she shuts out everyone, she's also doing it to her fans indirectly; but we still waited for her no matter how difficult the wait was. There comes a point where you have to face reality head on and head strong,(believe me when I tell you how much it hurts me to see her take things to the level she has, ever since she lost to Holly) but people gave her respect when she was a champion and she should do the same back bcoz it's the right thing to do, plus she's a role model to so many. Her fans have feelings too and it hurts to see her hurting, not showing up at the post fight press conference is the continuation of the dragged out process she has put everyone through including herself. She's making it worse for herself going about it this way.If she ever decides to fight again, Edmond has to go. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I wish you, Ronda and the rest of the family much love, healing and strength.

Unknown said...


Anastasia said...

I've never posted a comment before regarding the wonderful Ronda Rousey, but hours after 207, I want and need to get my emotions out so I can at least dry my eyes before I ring in the new year.

I'm just one of millions of fans that watched what unfolded and my heart hurts for her tonight. Not because she lost, but because of the athlete that she is. She's phenomenal, strong and confident. She has inspired millions across the world by doing what she knows best.

My heart hurts for her tonight because I know her heart will be hurting. She needs to know that we are with her in her disappointment but believe in her wholeheartedly. She needs to know when she's doing her thing on talk shows, we stay up late to watch her. She needs to know when she's training like a ninja, we throw kicks and punches in the backyard pretending to train with her. She needs to know when she cries, we howl, stop to blow our nose then howl again.

She's probably heard people say she's an inspiration a million times and maybe it doesn't sink into her or effect her anymore. But she needs to know that. She needs to believe and comprehend that fact. We love her, maybe not as much her mother but pretty damn close.

We will never stop believing in the magic that is Ronda. She needs to believe in herself again. Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Mom to mom...all I can sayou is good for you for having your daughters back.

Unknown said...

I agree with Amanda N that Edmund has RR believe she is a boxer. I was hoping she would go with her strength and get to the mat where she has no equal. In saying this, I hope that RR realizes that the media and a few other idiots don't make you who you are. Please stay who you are and while I'm sure it hurts now remember MMA is what you DO not who you ARE. You can leave a more lasting legacy just being Ronda. My best for 2017 to your family

Unknown said...

Your daughter saved my life. It was during her match with Holly Holm, that I happen to be getting up to get a drink, that I started jumping up and down cheering for Ronda, that I slipped and hit my mouth on the kitchen counter and broke my tooth. When I went to the dentist the following Monday they discovered something in my X-rays and was sent to have CTs done. It turned out to be very early stage cancer in my sinuses, that is often found too late, but because I fell and broke my tooth, was caught quickly. After 6 months of chemo, and several surgeries later, November being my last month of treatment. I am healthy. All that is left is a few reconstructive surgeries. I believe everything happens for a reason; had I not been a fan of Ronda's; the cancer would've probably spread.

Unknown said...

Your daughter saved my life. It was during her match with Holly Holm, that I happen to be getting up to get a drink, that I started jumping up and down cheering for Ronda, that I slipped and hit my mouth on the kitchen counter and broke my tooth. When I went to the dentist the following Monday they discovered something in my X-rays and was sent to have CTs done. It turned out to be very early stage cancer in my sinuses, that is often found too late, but because I fell and broke my tooth, was caught quickly. After 6 months of chemo, and several surgeries later, November being my last month of treatment. I am healthy. All that is left is a few reconstructive surgeries. I believe everything happens for a reason; had I not been a fan of Ronda's; the cancer would've probably spread.

Unknown said...

Now keep pushing for her to leave Edmond

Brow said...

I just want to say that even though I dont follow UFC a lot, I admire Ronda's accomplishments and what she has achieved. The Fame doesnt last forever. But what has been accomplished stays in the books. I just want to say that Im proud of Ronda and that I wish you guys the best in the next part of your journey.

Unknown said...

Ronda's Mom said it perfectly. That UFC Belt doesn't define you as a champion at all. The kind of person you are defines you as a Champion and Ronda Rousey is truly a Champion. Love ya Ronda always.

Sunday Monday said...

God bless her and protect her in this difficult time. No one can change or take away any of her accomplishments. She's already a part of history. If for some reason the fire still burns in her heart and she would like to come back. Please… Please have her change camps. Edmund can't help her at this point.

Unknown said...

Is this It? Is this all she has? Two losses do not define a fiery dedicated human being. Mom knows best! Do it again with a totally new team!!!

Unknown said...

Without ronda the ufc women's division is nothing. No one cares about these other girls because Ronda Rousey isn't just a good fighter she a good role model someone to look up to. Ronda you ripppaaa

Unknown said...

As Bishop Fulton J. Sheen said to Milton Burl, "Do it again and again and again."
Win for Ronda!

Unknown said...

My name is Danila Pozan, I'm from Brazil and I'm a fan of your daughter. Know that not only you but many people love and take pride in it. She is an example of being human. A true champion who has always turned around and won what no woman has conquered. Ronda is my example of being human. Mma has lost a fan because without her no longer has grace, but regardless of what she wants to do the fans will truly respect her. I want to see her smile and her talent in theaters soon. God has a plan for her life. A beautiful story Tell her that I love her so much, and maybe one day I can see her in person. I hope that this coming year will be full of wonders in your life. Do not lower your head. You were born to inspire!

Unknown said...

That was such a lovely post. I always love your honesty and directness. I also wanted to share that I have been an unwavering fan of your daughter since Strikeforce and only wish the best for you and your family.

On a personal note, last year I experienced a devastating blow after failing to accomplish a very important personal goal of being accepted into an RN program. But unlike Ronda, I had the luxury of failing without millions of people watching it happen. Even more so, I didn't have people around me wishing for me to fail. I wanted you to know, that her courage to come back and fight inspired me while I was struggling to get back on my feet to "fight" again. I had to wait a year to try again, and on December 14th I found out that I was accepted!

Lastly, I hope that Ronda knows that most women who are trailblazers that refuse to fit societies mold are met with great resistance.

Unknown said...

That was such a lovely post. I always love your honesty and directness. I also wanted to share that I have been an unwavering fan of your daughter since Strikeforce and only wish the best for you and your family.

On a personal note, last year I experienced a devastating blow after failing to accomplish a very important personal goal of being accepted into an RN program. But unlike Ronda, I had the luxury of failing without millions of people watching it happen. Even more so, I didn't have people around me wishing for me to fail. I wanted you to know, that her courage to come back and fight inspired me while I was struggling to get back on my feet to "fight" again. I had to wait a year to try again, and on December 14th I found out that I was accepted!

Lastly, I hope that Ronda knows that most women who are trailblazers that refuse to fit societies mold are met with great resistance.

Unknown said...

Without ronda the women's division is nothing. All these other girls are uninteresting. Ronda is not just a good fighter but she's a role model someone to look up to. Head up ronda I still look up to you ☺
Ronda you ripppaaa

trueU Smith said...

All I can say after that is I wish I could know ronda and be her friend because I sense all that you said about your daughter and I have always been flabbergasted and annoyed by all the hate and negativity towards her. All she did was be competitive and did what a fighter should do when everyone wants to beat you and take your spot and anyone would be the same way even more including these critics and haters. She is a true fighter and warrior and no matter what she decides after she will still accomplish the main goal I think she had like everyone in life has and that's to have personal success that you did what you needed to do and can take care of yourself and family. I hope she can come back better than ever but if this is the last fight I truly thank you for making women's mma known and I don't doubt you'll find more accomplishments outside of ufc whether in movies, wwe,even starting your own dojo or something to teach other girls judo or mma altogether no matter what you will be a great success you already have anyway. I wish I could know you as a friend but I at least can say that I am a proud fan. Fantastic job and thank you ronda.clap clap clap clap clap thank you ronda

B.Ruhland said...

As a mother I want to say to you that I admire you for raising such an amazing woman. I have loved Ronda since the beginning and I will always be a fan. I am proud of her and I thank her for paving the road and opening the doors for women in the UFC. She is a true Pioneer I pray that she realizes how may people love her out here and don't let the negative over shadow us true fans. As I tell my daughters "in life their will always be haters" I admire the fact that despite anything or anyone she was in that octagon last night. ❤️ #Pioneer

Alba Bran said...

I couldn't agreed more with you Dr AnnMaria you are a wise Mom not wonder you are her Role model. Much respect for you both.
you will always be my champion Ronda Rousey ..the best in the world for you .I miss you already girl!

Unknown said...

Ma'am, I hope you and more importantly Ronda understand just how important she is as not just an elite athlete but as a positive role model for young women. I am a 20 year Army veteran. I never watched a woman's MMA bout before Ronda. I certainly never bought a UFC PPV before Ronda. She inspired me, inspired my daughter and I couldn't be happier that my 17 year old daughter had chosen a REAl person instead of yet another shallow celebrity. Ronda was the first, in our eyes the best and win, lose, or draw we stand behind her. ~SFC Nicholas Jones USA(RET)

Anonymous said...

This was beautiful said. Please tell her that anyone whose wittiness is not limited by catch-phrase jokes and mean memes, can see that it took great strength for her to come back. And I am sure I am not the only one who wishes to see her getting back on her feet again and go on do whatever she wishes: keep competing, or keep acting, or keep on working on her apocalypse plan. I have personally taken a lot of inspiration, courage and strength by watching my fellow 29-year-old achieving everything you listed and even more. Please tell her she was, is and will be an inspiration for me and for so many people around the globe. Win, lose, or draw.
Cathy, Belgium.

Anonymous said...

Well said. But you still must admit that her coach Edmond Tarverdyan needs to go.

Sara Méndez said...

Thank you for sharing this. Maybe it isn't much, but I'd like to share with you and your family why Ronda means so much to me, a complete stranger and yet someone I can strangely relate to. The first time I saw Ronda fight was against Liz Carmouche, wasn't even live, watched it on Netflix, then I saw her destroy Miesha Tate and was then forever hooked on how she fought, the things she said and her drive to win and be the best, prove everyone wrong. When I watched those fights I had an injury and felt like quite a failure, felt like I couldn't do anything right, and here was this girl doing all these things that seemed so out of the ordinary, I got so excited watching her succeed, I even forgot about my injury. Ronda changed the way that I felt about myself, I didn't want to be her, but I wanted to experience what she experienced, in my own world of course, but then I figured, no way! that's not gonna happen, cause she is a legend. I'm still very motivated thanks to Ronda, I care for her because she made me feel confident that I could do what I set my mind to. For this, I am grateful that someone like Ronda is out there in the world.

Hanna Presley said...

God, we love your daughter so much. She's a inspiration and a role model of heart. Edmund is the worse thing ever happend to her. It hurts to see her fall. But She's a fighter since day one. You raised a true champion! ❤

Anonymous said...

Champion in lots of peoples eyes,has achieved a lot in live,at a young age,good luck to Ronda in what she does.UK fan.

Unknown said...

Still love and respect her as I always have. She's still my idol. When I win my MMA debut, I'm going to dedicate that fight to her :)

Unknown said...

I'm a retired Army veteran and I can't express to you enough just how important Ronda is. Not just as an elite athlete but as a role model. I personally had never watched a woman's MMA fight before Ronda, I'd never purchased a UFC PPV, she completely changed my perceptions. More importantly, she changed my daughter's. We finally had a sport to bond over and I couldn't be more proud that my daughter chose a REAL role model instead of yet another Kardashian.

Last night she put on her Ronda Rousey fight gear and we watched together. Disappointing outcome, yes, but it didn't diminish Ronda in our eyes. She's a trailblazer, a beautiful woman, and most importantly helped teach my daughter what a strong woman really is.

So from my family to yours. Thank you! To Ronda Thank You! She will always be our champion and even if she never steps in the octagon again we look forward to whatever she does next.

SFC Nicholas Jones USA(RET)

Gabriela Seavitte said...

I'm a big fan of Ronda she is an amazing woman, strong, beautiful and very talented. She is also a perfect role model for my daughter, I could only wish I had to guts to go into a ring with a person, she is very brave!!! Love you Ronda and to you her mother you are amazing too for raising a brave woman that she had become and always will be.

MMA said...

She is and always will be a champion.
Unfortunately the media has a way of glorifying a person when at top and destroying the same person when at the bottom. I believe Ronda being a young girl and achieving so much glory, fame and success lost her way and forgot the ability of being humble and down to earth and respectful towards others. The people who surrounded her, who call themselves her friend and protector also did not help her understand along with being a champion comes the responsibility of sportsmanship and respect towards others, not arrogance and bad language. This is why so many people love to see her lose.I believe she is very young, extremely tallented and has a very bright future ahead of her. Keep your head up Ronda Rousey, because you are and asset to MMA and never quit. You are a champion and always will be.before you ever think about retiring, get your belt back. Wish you the best champ.

Unknown said...

Well said, Ma'am! My love and respect for your daughter hasn't changed. Ronda Rousey is a Champion. Just because she is not holding the championship belt in the UFC Women's Bantamweight class, she is still a Champion in life and a role model for successful people. I hope she finds a new coach if she choses to fight again n the UFC, but regardless of her future endeavors, Ronda Rousey built Women's UFC!

Anonymous said...

It is really sad that the loudest voices are the negative ones. I don't go on the internet arguing with strangers while they spew their hatred. But I am in tears alone in my apartment hurting that someone that touches my heart is hurting. Please tell Ronda that some people do genuinely care and always will.

Unknown said...

Well said Ma'am. My love and respect for your daughter hasn't changed. Ronda Rousey is a Champion. Just because she is not holding the championship belt for the UFC Women's Bantamweight class, doesn't change the fact that Ronda is a Champion. She is a Champion in life and a role model for people striving for success. If she chooses to fight again in the UFC, I hope she finds a new coach. Regardless of her future endeavors, nothing will change the fact that Ronda Rousey built Women's UFC! Much Love and Respect to you Ronda!

Unknown said...

My name is Danila Pozan, I'm from Brazil and I'm a fan of your daughter. Know that not only you but many people love and take pride in it. She is an example of being human. A true champion who has always turned around and won what no woman has conquered. Ronda is my example of being human. Mma has lost a fan because without her no longer has grace, but regardless of what she wants to do the fans will truly respect her. I want to see her smile and her talent in theaters soon. God has a plan for her life. A beautiful story Tell her that I love her so much, and maybe one day I can see her in person. I hope that this coming year will be full of wonders in your life. Do not lower your head. You were born to inspire!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. Ronda is an inspiration to thousands, if not millions, for excellence and hard work.
She expanded the sport once for the women devision, and then for the entire sport of MMA, introducing it to massive new audiences, with the most astonishing wining record, style and personality. She made millions of people care, and sometimes it comes with a price. Especially in a sport like this. I hope Ronda knows how loved she is, and how impeccable her legacy truly is.

Wishing you and your beautiful family all the best!
Elad Tibi

Unknown said...

Dra. Ann Maria, first my admiration. Second I'm sure all your daughters are incredible in their individual way. Ronda is your badass daughter that we have the pleasure to know a bit. The true fans of her know she has all this accomplishments and how much she cares about fight and winning. Yesterday I was very sad about the result of the fight, see Ronda so sad hurts, I miss a lot the smile of love for all in the room, the smile of her winning, her smile in general. I still team Rousey and will be for life, I'm proud of it, and will always be proud of it. I can't express how gentle and wonderful your daughter was at the only time I had the pleasure to see her. A lot of examples of her inspire me in my life, I'm a different and better person because of that point of start. Only us can solve our problems, but everyone one time in life need a exemple to mirror. I don't know what will be her decision ahead now, I think she deserve that title back, but with or without it for me she still a champ, so admiring and loved as before in my heart. I really expect life give me the pleasure to saw her once again, to said this looking in her eyes. I never was a person of idols, I'm really fan just of two persons and Ronda is one of them. My wish is that she rise, be happy and give us the light of her smile again. Love and all the best wishes.

Anonymous said...

The most people dont critisize her about her losing or not being succesful. She gave her best and ran into fighters that were better than her. No shame in losing, its a win-lose business. I respect her very much for stepping into that cage. Its about the way she carries herself. It's not about her accomplishments. And btw having a divorce and having children are things that dont happen to good people? Cmon now.

Unknown said...

First of all, i wish Ronda a swift and complete recovery for me she will always be the best,
Why ? because to close the bridge takes many years of training without a doubt at a better distance Ronda wound smash all competition out there .So to build and compete at that level on things you have less practice in is so courageous and the mark of a true champion.An extremely talented individual who is brave a fantastic role model for young people with so much more to give.
my very best wishes going forward x

Unknown said...

Well said, Dr. De Mars!

Ronda is exceptional, not just as a fighter - but as Ronda. I'm excited to see what good she does next. Her training and successes thus far may be what has shaped her, but it will be what she does next which defines her. I'm sure it will be big.

Here's to a long career doing good.

Kelly M said...

Her loss will never outweigh her achievements.

Unknown said...

Nicely put I just wish she had changed camps after the Holly fight so we could see what she could really do with world class MMA coaches!
Good job Mum x

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. Ronda is an inspiration to millions around the world, for excellence and hard work.
She expanded the sport twice. Once for the women devision, and then she did it for the entire sport of MMA, introducing it to massive new audiences, with her most astonishing wining record, style and personality. She made millions of people care, about the sport and about her, and it came with a price. Especially in a sport like this. I can only imagine the pressure..
I hope Ronda knows how loved she is, and how impeccable her legacy forever will be.

Wishing you and your beautiful family all the best!
Elad Tibi

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Absolutely awesome way to sum it all up. I am, and have always been, very proud to be a fan of Ronda's.

Unknown said...

(Sigh..) wrote a great blog and as usual, Google disappoints....
In short, Ronda is a legend. Great human being, great everything. Hateful hearts cannot be cured with hateful words. So, we love the haters. But not as much as we love your daughter. - Reyes Family - Miami

Anonymous said...

Honestly speaking, she didn't look prepared for this fight at all. That is not taking anything away from Ronda, she is great and opened the door for so many female fighters.

Unknown said...

Dr.AnnMaria ur such a beautiful soul & person. Ur such a good mum & not many in the world like u. As for Ronda, she will always be GOAT!!!! One of the best to ever do it & mma game changer. There wouldn't be females in the UFC if it wasn't for her. Much love 2 u both & family!!! Hope gob continues to bless u all & proper in everything u do in life.

Anonymous said...

Well written and much respected. All the best to your entire family.

Anonymous said...

The media really need to get over how she is dealing with her losses. Let her deal with it the way she needs to deal with it. I see a big double standard in how media criticizes her. Maybe its because she is a strong, opinionated successful woman. Conor doesn't bump fists to begin a fight and it barely gets a mention Ronda does it and they act like she murdered baby Jesus. I like Conor and how he handled his loss is great but not everyone is the same. Its like a pack mentality with this MMA crowd. They need to grow up. Nothing worse than watching people kick someone when they are down. They should be embarrassed by their behavior. They talk about being classless!

Don't know the Girl but she seems like she has a social conscience. She seems like she has got principles. I suppose none of that matters because it barely gets a mention. Just listen to Cat Zingano speak about her.

Ronda... keep the head up. You have been to the mountain top. You have won so much you can't lose anymore. Don't let the bastards get you down. Be you. Deep breath in.. Deep breath out. The world is your oyster.

Much love from Ireland

Anonymous said...

Spot on. I am just a fan from afar. I am so very glad that RR has her family to rally around her. Her family is her greatest blessing of all.

Swindoll said...

Great stuff. Thank you.

Adri said...

Please be there for her. Mentally she seemed unprepared, physically she looked amazing-please help your daughter so that she does not sink into a dark place where she can't climb out of. Her fans, her real fans, heck, humans in general with good feelings and sound minds want to see her succeed after this terrible blow. Pleas e take care of her she did something that no one else can claim-she layed a path where other female athletes can now walk, run down because of all her hard work. Don't let her lose her fire. I day this to you, her mother, because my own little one admires what your daughter is and has many times said she wants to be like "Ronda" - remember when kids only said "I wanna be like Mike"? Many little girls like my daughter "want to be like Ronda"-help her and get her all the help and support she needs to overcome this. Ronda has given us much joy up until now and hope she continues to do so in whatever capacity she so desires. Ronda, come back to us champ. We love you and support you 100%.

Rod Gee said...

I wonder what will the two losses teach Ronda about the way she handled victories?

I wonder how might Ronda best position herself to improve her striking and striking defense?

I wonder why so many people have come out to "kick her while she's down" more so than we typically see out of prize fighters?

Three things I respect most about Ronda:
* After losing for the first time, she came back at her best physical conditioning.
* She embraced being a woman in a sport dominated by men. She's benefited many women and MMA on the whole.
* She does not make ANY excuses for losing.

Three things I do not respect about Ronda:
* The image of her refusing to show Tate sportsmanship after beating her.
* The poor sportsmanship she showed Holm (and others)prior to their fight.
* She's in the spotlight and embraces it when she wins but disappears when she doesn't.

As a person, I wish her the best and hope that she is mentally and emotionally safe.

As a fighter/entertainer......I was happy to see her defeated and I hope she comes back with more humility and better technique.

Dr J said...

Great admiration and respect for a strong person who is very successful in her short career so far. Many Kudos. All the best in whatever she would like to do with her great body of work in the future. Still a Bad Ass!! Thank you.

Adri said...

Please be there for her. Mentally she seemed unprepared, physically she looked amazing-please help your daughter so that she does not sink into a dark place where she can't climb out of. Her fans, her real fans, heck, humans in general with good feelings and sound minds want to see her succeed after this terrible blow. Please take care of her she did something that no one else can claim-she layed a path where other female athletes can now walk, run down because of all her hard work. Don't let her lose her fire. I say this to you, her mother, because my own little one admires what your daughter is and has many times said she wants to be like "Ronda" - remember when kids only said "I wanna be like Mike"- Many little girls like my daughter "want to be like Ronda"-help her and get her all the help and support she needs to overcome this. Ronda has given us much joy up until now and hope she continues to do so in whatever capacity she so desires. Ronda, come back to us champ. We love you and are with you one hundred percent of the way.

Unknown said...

Could I send her a letter of support?

Nostrada said...

How id having 0 children something to be proud or, indeed, ashamed of? Just curious, I agree with all the rest.

Unknown said...

I am behind her all the way, always have been, win or lose!!!

nathaniel said...

People should read this before they start to take shots at Ronda again,she is a truly remarkable person who has achieved so much I have so much respect for her and I know that she will come back stronger than ever and take her title back. All the best and good luck going forward

Unknown said...

I am behind Ronda all the way, always have been,win or lose!!!

Admin said...

She is all that and more, her work ethic is better than most and she attacks every challenge with her entire being. Ronda hasn't changed throughout all her accomplishments, she remains fierce, determined, and true to self, family and friends. This Judo mom is proud of her too.

Unknown said...

She's earned my respect and I'm truly proud to be in her corner as a staunch fan and supporter. You clearly did a wonderful job with her and she be commended. Allow us to share your pride in a truly amazing woman.

Christina T. Weise said...

Dr. De Mars your daughter Ronda has had such a positive impact on my life. She is one of my heroes. I know I'll never get to tell her face-to-face that she makes me feel like anything is possible. Please give her the message that she has a lot of young girls and women all over the world who still look up to her and admire her & we love her no matter what. There will never be another 'Ronda Rousey';her fans will always love her no matter how a fight pans out. I am proud she came back, that took courage.

Unknown said...

Win, lose, or draw, Ronda is an inspiration to many. What many forget is that women's MMA would not be where it is today were it not for Ronda and her fighting spirit and tenacity. She is a role model to women and girls around the world. She is a fighter, in life as in the octagon, and she will always be an inspiration to me. My 9 year old daughter loves her whether she wins or loses...grown adults should be capable of that as well. Ronda is more than her fight record ...all my best to her and you going forward.

Unknown said...

Win, lose, or draw, Ronda is an inspiration to many. What many forget is that women's MMA would not be where it is today were it not for Ronda and her fighting spirit and tenacity. She is a role model to women and girls around the world. She is a fighter, in life as in the octagon, and she will always be an inspiration to me. My 9 year old daughter loves her whether she wins or loses...grown adults should be capable of that as well. Ronda is more than her fight record ...all my best to her and you going forward.

Unknown said...

She is truly an amazing woman and I'm proud to be standing as a staunch supporter and fan today. You are to be commended on raising such a wonderful person, your impact is reflected in her determination, commitment to those around her and passion for life. She's an inspiration and I couldn't be more proud to stand with her, and you.

Anonymous said...

I don't view this as an "end" of Ronda's career. I think this is going to open a new chapter in her life. She's an extremely successful person. Her value comes from who she is as a person - not who she can knock out. When you look at her long list of achievements, she's achieved more in 29 years than most do in a lifetime.

People are going to say dumb things. I hope Ronda looks past those comments and looks forward to her very bright future!

oneill_eugene said...

Well felt and well said. Many people don't have the constitution to list the accomplishments before the shortcomings when they measure another's actions.

Mommy Square said...

As a fellow Apraxia Warrior Mama, I commend you and Ronda for fighting the good fight. God bless from my little Apraxia Warrior and me :)

Jason Lee said...

Ronda will always be mt champion. She made womens Ufc what it is. When Ronda is done fighting, im done watching. She did an amazing job and dont owe nobody nothing. Time to relax Ronda, do what makes you happy now, cause you made us fans extremely happy.Ms Rousey, you have done an amazing job raising your daughter Ronda!!!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful I stayed loyal and still #TeamRonda win or lose

colin said...

Please Dr De Mars, coach Rhonda back to greatness. Take away this obscene attempt of boxing when She is a world class Judoka. Martial Arts used to mean something. A system that is set up to fight using your natural strengths and talents to win without getting hurt. It turns into a cock fight when you put decades into perfecting your art and throw it all way because some idiot said that you have to out box a boxer. What happens when a boxer tries to out Judo a Judoka? Please help Rhonda bring pride and dignity back to her art and not sell herself short anymore. If she can find herself her spirit again in the art that she cultivated and brought greatness to she can one day accept ours and your love and hopefully transform it to happiness. I don't care if she gets back I to that ufc circus. I just wish that the gift of martial arts can be used to heal a great person.

theJACKAL said...

You're amazing. This is so heartfelt and poignant. Ronda has done so much for the sport and women in general.

Any chance we can encourage her to leave Edmond? Things change and people grow apart. It would appear she's outgrown him. He's plagued with his Tax scandal, he's inappropriate, unprofessional, and a terrible striking coach.

Just seems it's time for her to go in a different direction. They say "if it ain't broke don't fix it." Well it's broke and Edmond has proven he can't fix it.

You're a great mother. You raised a phenomenal legacy in your daughter. You should be proud.

Unknown said...

I think she did good she was beating people for a year and sometimes it comes different da is awesome I'd like to see all those people step in the octagon with her especially Justin bieber that would be great cause he get hit one time and that be it

Anonymous said...

No One can deny RR's amazing focus,drive,ambition and accomplishments. What always troubled me was her apparent lack of sportsmanship in how she would refuse to shake hands or be gracious to an opponent even after a win. I enjoy seeing that in any pro sport and RR's lack of grace was why I was never a fan although I couldn't deny her amazing accomplishments. As a person I hope she is fine after this loss and wish her well.

Allan said...

Ronda's a great fighter. Her record and accomplishments show this. Your daughter is a beacon of strength I hope to see her in the ring again. My only comment is you, her and anyone else she confides in. Needs to think about her training with Edmund. I will not speak negative about his overall training. He did help her get to where she is now. Non the less, Ronda has always had a flaw in her skill set and that's her boxing. In her last two fight's she met two women who are very effective boxers. They beat her the same way in throwing a 1 2 (straight punches). Closing the distance against people like that calls for great head movement. Ronda had zero of that. MMA is a fighting art so of course you are going to get hit at some point. What matters is how you take it or the punch is landed. Other fault in her defense was after getting hit there was no attempt to block or counter punch from getting hit. Cover to block or what I would of preferred to see her d. Parry the punch, counter double jab, straight right, left hook, clinch and take the fight where it needed to be.

This is just my thoughts as a fan and martial artist my self. Ronda has accomplished a lot in a very short period of time. I hope to see her in the ring again. Though if this is it. Thank you Ronda.

Jason Lee said...

Ronda Rousey will always be my champion. She made womens ufc what it is. When she is done fighting, im done watching. She has nothing to prove to anyone. Time to relax Ronda. Thank you for your hard work and being you!!! Do what makes you happy now, cause you made us fans extremely happy. To your mother, you have done an amazing job raising Ronda!!!! I may never meet Ronda, but i will always love her!!!!

Unknown said...

That is beautiful. Congratulations to both of you for your beautiful perspectives on life.

Anonymous said...

I love her she is the best keep your head up their are Alot of great people around supporting you

Unknown said...

Great read! Ronda is awesome and her achievements dwarf those of any regular person, even after her loss to Amanda last night nothing changes with her legacy.
Would have loved to see her win, I fault Edmund largerly, worst coach involved in MMA.

Cliff said...

10 yrs ago alcohol and drugs almost killed me. So I know something about fighting to get your life back. That's why I admire and respect Ronda so much. All great warriors have lost battles. To me she won the war. Love you Champ!!

Phil said...

Well said. Hopefully she can get past this and move on to bigger and better things. She's still a Champion to me and many more. God Bless you guys

Unknown said...

Nobody ever has to defend Ronda to me! She's THE BEST! I do not have a daughter and if I did,I would pray for as many features for her as Ronda were more than Blessed she has more than a lot to be Praised for and I will gladly adopt her anytime that your ready to..if anything..tell her I do have a 30 year old son that also is Wild over her and she'd make me a perfect daughter n law and him a great wife,even if I don't know personal stuff about her it would still be Awesome to have her in our live cause all I know is "She's Super Awesome" and I Pray she knows that! Please give her a Big hug from me and tell her to hold her head up and be as Proud of herself like the many of us Fans of hers is! We Love you Rhonda Rousy!!!!

Unknown said...

Love Ronda and always will she will forever & ever be My Champion; please let her know that she still truly loved and always will be. Without her MMA for womem would not be where it's at as she is one of the #GOAT....

Unknown said...

Nobody ever has to defend Ronda to me! She's THE BEST! I do not have a daughter and if I did,I would pray for as many features for her as Ronda were more than Blessed she has more than a lot to be Praised for and I will gladly adopt her anytime that your ready to..if anything..tell her I do have a 30 year old son that also is Wild over her and she'd make me a perfect daughter n law and him a great wife,even if I don't know personal stuff about her it would still be Awesome to have her in our live cause all I know is "She's Super Awesome" and I Pray she knows that! Please give her a Big hug from me and tell her to hold her head up and be as Proud of herself like the many of us Fans of hers is! We Love you Rhonda Rousy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, she has great achievements and she is a great fighter. I just do not understand why "zero divorces and zero children" has to do with that. These facts does't diminish any woman. Have a great 2017.

Unknown said...

I am proud of her and she isn't even my daughter. I don't even know her.

Unknown said...

I also believe she can come back with a different coaching camp. Will she? Remains to be seen. I wish her the best.Still love u Ronda. From Dutch

Unknown said...

Ronda is the best at what she does best,.. ��. I truly believe her camp are to blame for her last 2 fights. She is EXCELLENT at her sport in the sport of mixed martial arts, she should be �� focusing on her excellence and countering every other style with her dominance in countering. She has been conditioned differently you can see in her physical and mental, I've NO DOUBT in her if she does what she does and nothing else. Don't entertain adding to the catalogue you've got Ronda. NO ONE can handle you when your doing you in there. Come back... dominant in YOUR God given strength. And snap some arms my friend. Whether you retire now or not, the sport will never define who you are it's something you do,.. and don't EVER DOUBT HOW WELL YOU DO WHAT YOU DO. Get your mum in your camp and hone your judo skills against EVERY type of attack possible in there against you and NO ONE WILL EVER WIN OVER YOU AGAIN.... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Believe again my friend, lots of love to you from across the miles in the U.K., I will pray for you my lovely and know your loved by even people who don't know you or that you don't know! You've inspired me since your career started in the UFC and I'm not a fighter (few belts in Japanese ju- jitsu I was afraid of the technical throws �� had to quit fearing for my life in training was just not worth it lol) I just watch the sport now with my partner! So your presence has been a blessing on the screen not just for your AWESOME JUDO ABILITY WHICH NEVER NEVER NEVER FORGET NOT ONLY CAN IT DEAL WITH ANY TYPE OF FIGHT STYLE,.. but your crazy good at it!!!, God bless you sweet girl, your not done yet!,.. I BELIEVE IN YOU. ����

LsP said...

A beautiful piece only a mother could write!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, much respect to her family. She is one of my favorite fighters and some of us live and die with our fighters. We love her, but this is the fight game. Very proud of her. As a man, husband, and father of a toddler girl, I feel she has empowered women with her success. I love it. She is a success and has her place in the sun when it comes to MMA History.

I thank Ronda for putting it all on the line. I could give more in the next year as she has done throughout both sports careers. Much lovw , respect, and appreciation.

Unknown said...

Ps,.. happy new year. May God richly bless you in peace and complete contentment xxx

Unknown said...

She is still my Champion and always will be. Women's MMA wouod not be where it's at with out Ronda. She is truly the #GOAT

Unknown said...

We love you Ronda fire that coach ur a true CHAMPION

Unknown said...

Ronda ur great CHAMPION fire that coach and please come back.

Unknown said...

I agree, I love Ronda unconditionally

Kate said...

Last night broke our hearts too- of course not to the same extent.

I will always be a fan of Ronda's- win or lose. As a young woman myself, she has taught me so many things without having met me. She has taught me to be proud of my body, in every stage. That I have a right to be anywhere I want to be. To put 100% effort into everything I do, because nothing of value come easy. To stand up for what I believe in, and never back down from a fight.

None of that changed with last night's result.

I hope once the dust settles, and the internet trolls find someone else to harass, that she is able to see how many people still love and support her.

I attended last night's fight, and there wasn't a single person not on their feet when she walked in the arena. As I walked back to hotel I listened as people defended her and said they were fans no matter what. She made all of us proud. Please remind her of this.

Thank you Ronda for everything you've done for us. I know this is not the end of your story.


blaze said...

Well said. I'm not a "sports person", per se. However I was casually watching a UFC match one evening in 2013 and I was stunned. Who was this?!? She's amazing! I began to follow her on media, and read her book. Her book inspired me more than I can say. I was in a very dark place at the time, near giving up on many things. Her story inspired me so much, made me get back up and fight! Now, I am in a better place-better than I ever hoped possible a few years ago. I also learned that some of the biggest fights are with yourself. So, plz tell her thankyou, we love her and respect her so very much.
She is, and always will be an inspiration to me.
Karin (Blaze)

Unknown said...

Amen to that ❤

Unknown said...

Well Said, Your daughter has nothing to be sad about, what she did for Woman Combat Sports no other women could do!

Dana White screwed your daughter! To put her in that fight with out being in the ring for 13 months was for his own benefit he smart enough to know any fighter on the planet has ring rust with that long of a layoff! Dana White knew Rhonda would loose and did not care! He used Rhonda to gain exposure for Nunes.. Rhonda got paid but he did what was best for himself and not his fighter! Watch this interview of Dana White on FS1, got to 1minute 47 seconds He states it would take over 100 million dollars to get Nunes to be a world renown name, now she fought Rousey everyone knows her! Great post

Ainsley Sorsby said...

She's the sole reason women are in the UFC, everything that comes henceforth is because of her

Can't help but imagine though how things would have turned out had she joined Cordeiro at Kings MMA instead of the legendary Glendale Fighting Club 6 years ago when she began fighting

Unknown said...

As am I. A true inspiration

Daniel said...

Ronda is a truly beautiful person, and an inspiration to me and to millions of others. I have been a UFC fan for a long time, but her UFC losses have been the only losses to upset me on a personal level (with perhaps the exception of Anderson Silva's leg snapping).
Though I don't in any way think ill of Ronda for her losses, I must say that I have become very concerned for her wellbeing under the supervision of Edmund. The way Edmund cornered Ronda during the Holm fight was absurd and deluded, and I was alarmed when she stayed with him after that. I truly hope she distances herself from him, he does not deserve to endanger Ronda, for his own benefit, with his inept coaching, ever again.
Dr. de Mars, I just want to thank you and your daughter both for providing me with so much inspiration, you are both beautiful in your power and focus.

Anonymous said...

Ronda has dealt with depression, which is a serious disease, and yet you list "never been to rehab" as one of her highest accomplishments. What a terrible thing to say, as millions of great people have gone to rehab for their disease of addiction and utilized rehab to help improve their own lives. Some self proclaimed "dr" you are. Absolutely terrible. Might as well say "at least she never contracted aids from a blood transfusion like other "bad" people.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob said...

I am a 77-year-old former wrestler and judoka. I admire your dedication and work ethic. Win or're the best. Winning or losing a "contest" doesn't define who you are. What you've done with your success in promoting and helping others ... DOES. I have a poster over my workbench which is electronically signed..."Don't doubt, don't stop, just work. I love it. I agree with your mother; unless someone has participated at the level you have, they can't understand where you're coming from. Negative comments from a person does define what they are. I'm with you ... enjoy your life...move on with whatever makes you happy. Family and friends care about you ... always.

Dr. AnnMaria said...

In answer to the person who asked what does zero divorces and zero children have to do with anything, I was referring to all the tabloid stories about celebrities having children when they are very young, having nasty custody disputes, being sued for not supporting their children etc etc. The worst story you'll read about Ronda is someone complaining they didn't like something she said. Which, in the scheme of things, is not all that terrible.

Unknown said...

Its not about her accomplishments or the fact that she wins or loses, its her poor attitude that destroys her. She is being taught a painful lesson in humility, it would have been better if she learned from her last loss, but she obviously didn't. I hope she takes some heed this time and surrounds herself with the right people (i.e. not the people who have fed her ego).

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert said...

Love you Ronda ! you are truly an amazing and powerful force. do not let anything ...any win...and loss...deter you from being the best...because you are ! keep your head up and be proud of what you have accomplished and who you have become. We Love you and will stand beside you always !

dsimon3387 said...

Dear AnnMaria

Bless you and your daughter. please know your family is wonderful and special and that is why things happen with a "bang" and nothing is easy. I have two sons and as their father I am proud to see your daughter as an example of how someone who does things her own way can make it on her own terms. This was a set back but it had nothing to do with boxing... We can tell our kids anything and sometimes the being must find out for oneself... Ronda will continue to do as she wants and overcome this bump.

M Black said...

As an old traditional karate martial artist (68 and counting) I will always admire what Ronda did in just a few years in MMA. She put women's MMA on the map. Before she came along, Dana White made a comment that women would never compete in his organization. She became the main attraction. I trained at the Shodokan Dojo in Swampscott, MA and had the honor of knowing Bernie Mulligan (who is still running the dojo and is in his 80's). Anyone who has ever trained in traditional martial arts for any length of time knows the hard work and dedication that it takes to just keep training for many years.

Please give my regards to your daughter for me. Here's hoping that she will start her own family soon. Competition and the glory is great but short-lived. Family is forever. Ronda will always be the greatest as far as I'm concerned.

Mike Black
Renshinkan Karate

Unknown said...

I'm in Rhonda's corner no matter what. I pray for her now against depression and for her to take it easy on herself. I can only imagine what she's going through, but hope she will let herself be surrounded by those who love her and will remind her health and love come first in this big ol' world, which despite the last two fights, has SO much to give her. Turn away from negative or ugly comments and stay safe Rousey!

Unknown said...

And her attitude of winning being so important is completely contrary to the philosophy of Judo - So sad.

Unknown said...

Beautiful words.

Unknown said...

I'm in Rhonda's corner no matter what. I pray for her now against depression and for her to take it easy on herself. I can only imagine what she's going through, but hope she will let herself be surrounded by those who love her and will remind her health and love come first in this big ol' world, which despite the last two fights, has SO much to give her. Turn away from negative or ugly comments and stay safe Rousey!

LMC said...

Thank you for your beautiful words. Ronda is very accomplished woman and an excellent role model for my own daughter who is a young martial artist. She has not only changed women's sport forever for the better, but also societies image of beauty, strength and success. As a mother of daughters, I am very grateful for that. My family loves and admires her just as much today as we did yesterday, and hope she comes back very soon. But for the love of God, I hope she ditches that Edmond and gets herself a real coach who will see her through her next adventure.

Anonymous said...

i'm sad ronda might think we only like her when she wins. not at all the case.
i'm glad she seems to have a great support system.

i have no doubt she could come back - given the right team (everyone but edmond basically)

much love

Unknown said...

breaks my heart! w/o Ronda im font watching UFC

Unknown said...

I think her point was she wasn't running around dropping kids when she should be more responsible than that.

Plenty of people are reckless with their sexual habits which result in unwanted children...

Nuru said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Adam Siltanen said...

I've been a Ronda fanboy for years because of her confidence and unshakable competitive drive. I've enjoyed watching her grow, and watching the younger fighters inspired by(and chasing her) grow. She is a leader and teacher and I would like to send thanks and love.

'You can get knocked down and it hurts, and leaves scars. But if you are a leader, the people you've counted on will help you up. And if you are a leader, the people who count on you need you on your feet.'
Ret. General Stanley McChrystal

Anonymous said...

Ronda is amazing no matter what the haters say. She gives me courage and no matter what happens to her MMA career after this, I will be watching to see what she does next.

Unknown said...

Yes beautiful words and I agree.

Unknown said...

I don't follow Hollywood, nor do I have any idols, but Ronda has been an inspiration in my life when I was weak and needed to get up and be strong. My husband nearly died four years ago, today he has a brain injury and is cognitively impaired and has the characteristics of a five year old. Life is extremely challenging and a struggle. I watched a fight for the first time around four years ago and it was Ronda that gave me the inspiration to get up, dust myself off, hold my head up high, and be a champion... a champion for my family. All that Ronda has personally endured, and she can still go out with her head held high with so much confidence inspired me to stop the self pity. She's tough, confident, smart, strong, and not to mention beautiful. She's the epitome of what a woman should be. I recognize she loves to fight, but my feeling is that she is beyond the fight already. She's a star ⭐️. She has nothing else to prove. You see, the fact that Ronda has all these accomplishments and achievements under her belt are not what make her a champion... it's the fact that no matter what she goes through, she continues to get up, dust herself off, and hold her head up high with confidence that makes her the real champion. If I know Ronda's heart, she will fight again and come out victorious. My feeling is that she already is.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, hype is hype but at the end of the day we are humans and should be respected as such. Win or lose, she'll always be remembered as a great athlete.

Unknown said...

Yes please. He is the reason why she lost.

frank jimenez said...

No matter what you decide or where you go, I and millions of others, send our support and love!
100% behind you!
Love and best thoughts!!

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