I could write about the great practice at the training center today, the terrific job Ronda did teaching or how dedicated and hard-working our athletes are. Instead, I thought I would just quote some of the funniest lines I heard lately.
"Great sneak attack," said Crystal Butts, after Sarah Crosby waited until the person out in the middle stood up, tied her belt and sat back down with both knees and both hands up before attacking.
"Hey, you just grabbed my fat!" Kala Crosby.
"Sorry, I thought it was your belt." Amber Butts.
"Are all old people mean or is it just you?" Denise Garcia after doing randori with me.
"You love slaughter lines? There is something seriously wrong with you, kid," said Ronda to Haykaz Oganyan, who nonetheless sent people out for slaughter lines.
TIP: Check out this really cool seoi nage video on youtube. Thanks to Robbie Robinson for sending me the link.
Same guy has three more for Uchi Mata as well.
Uchi Mata 1
That's pretty cool. My youngest daughter is learning uchimata. I will have to have her watch this video. She'll like it, I'm sure.
Just wondering,
What would your answer be if one of your daughters decides to instead of asking for a car for her birthday, asks for plastic surgery like breast implants? What would your answer be? I've heard that more teenage girls are getting plastic surgeries.
Found this video of Jane Bridge 1980 WC teaching Kouchi/Seio
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